Modern Maid!

March 27, 2014

She saw the world in black and white
Creating clothes that fit, not fight,
The LBD and No 5,
Classy and fabulous, still survive.

She saw the world in shades of Gray
Designing structures in a way
That even to this day reveal
A forward thinking zest and zeal.

These women who have made their mark
Have not been hidden in the dark.
So bob your hair, and take a bow,
But do not make a marriage vow!

Breathe Cheaply!

March 25, 2014

No matter how you toil and try,

The Revenue will bleed you dry.

But do not sigh nor do not seethe

For they may tax the air you breathe.

Bankers Bottom Out

November 3, 2013

It was the great financial farce,

Picking numbers from their arse.

Should we send them to the blocks,

Or just invest their heads in stocks?

The end

July 10, 2012

I tip the keys to open wide
The latent work of art inside.
But letter locked I’m left to think,
I have the will but not the ink!

Not-so-Snow White

December 20, 2011

I know that you expect from me,
A silly verse that sounds naughty.
But dirty thoughts I now must end…
…except when out with filthy friends!

Boogie Woogie Angel

December 15, 2011

(In fond memory of Maria)

No botox for me, not a tuck nor a nip,
While you get replacements, I stay lookin hip.
So catch that jive, on a prayer and a wing,
Cause heaven will rock when I teach it to swing!

Miss T Ree

September 20, 2011

What would I say if you should ask,
Who is the one behind the mask?
I would reveal that I am free
To hide my own identity!

Empty Vessels

September 9, 2011

It happens as a general rule,
In every pack, one finds a fool.
Experience in life will show,
Who knows the least will loudest crow.

Deep Shit!

September 2, 2011

They say I’ll never be scribe,
Because my words just jest and jibe.
But spare me the monotony
Of deadly earnest poetry!

The Workman’s Club

July 31, 2011

I’m tithed and taxed, and yet they knife
The earnings from my working life.
I pay my dues, but must concede
That there is nothing left to bleed.